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why millennials are quitting their jobs

This is such a cool video. Everything this guy said was giving me chills, he put the way a lot of us feel into words. And because it's coming from a non-millennial,maybe people will actually listen and won't just dismiss it as being "whiny" lol.

But I still kind of disagree with us being labeled as negative products of society. This idea that our parents fucked up, and that's why we are the way we are...not completely true. There are plenty of millennials out there who didn't grow up with instant gratification. Some of our parents didn't grow up with much and wanted to give us better. So they made sure that we genuinely worked our asses off for that first-place trophy. And believe it or not, the top graduates are having the same problems in the workforce as the participation-trophy graduates.

To look at his message a little more objectively, this guy has made it his career to figure out how to make people passionate about - frankly - having their entire gratification revolve around and come from the workplace. Because truthfully, his generation was the one to fill their voids by becoming workaholics...

Maybe it's not that we're broken products of society, but that we've just figured out that slaving away in an office for the rest of our lives just isn't how we want to live. And we're looking to fill the void and find meaning elsewhere.

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