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winter again

It's starting to get pretty fucking cold here. These past few weekends it has been pouring; not exactly ideal exploring and photography weather. So I'll be staying in I think for this next month or two. Saving up for the perfect campervan for when summer comes. I feel like if I could have endured crippling depression a little bit longer, I would have stayed in the US a bit longer. Or even went to Spain for a few months before coming to New Zealand. That way I would have had two consecutive summers instead of two winters...

Also I know I haven't done a text post since getting here. Haven't really had much to say about my experience so far, felt like the pictures could speak for themselves.

I'm not loving the Au pair experience. It's not bad, I mean I get free lodging, mostly free food and access to a car. But living with a family feels like being 13 again and getting paid to babysit your siblings. Also the lack of control over my schedule kind of sucks. But I guess it's an okay way to wait out the winter

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